Monday, June 25, 2012



"I’ll miss Yvonne. She’s gone now. Back to Germany.

I doubt I’ll see her again.

Because this is all there was, a friendship based on location and time — a grain in the timeline of our lives. Yvonne made me think that I wish I could document every single person I run across, every day of my life. What if we could document their names, what they looked like and how we interacted with them?
Will Yvonne remember the few months we spent as newbies in Los Angeles ? Will I remember her?

And that’s why sometimes I just come here to write. Even if it’s about the mundane process of getting a license in a new state. There is more mundane in our lives than the non-mundane. And those stories are meaningful and specific and funny and a little dramatic. And maybe by themselves they don’t amount to anything, until put together, when they amount to it all -- just like all the people we run across, like all the Yvonnes."

一整段好熟悉的感觸呀。想起剛開始第一個blog 的自己,也曾有著如此相似的思緒。而現在擁有的,卻是好久沒動工的布落格,圖文少添的手記,和一台不便中文打字的機器。過去一年似乎充滿了變化,卻也成了圖文空白的一年。 在看似單調卻行事表滿溢的生活形態中想坐下來寫一段故事,變成了過度奢侈的心思。沒時間? 大概不是。多半是因為思緒緊繃而導致的疲乏吧。而有些敏感的事物在心理的保護機制下自然的就不去碰觸,大概就怕意外的引起什麼情緒潰堤而難以收拾。
多年後的我還會記得那些生活上的變遷與起伏,壓力與感受嗎? 現在心裡的小事,像是計劃要種卻還沒動手的香料植物,多年後我還會記得為什麼會想在陽台上種上幾株綠意盎然的義式九層塔嗎? (是有個在理性與感性上都很豐富的理由才選上它的呀)。



Anonymous said...

hey 你好嗎?前幾天一個和你同天生日的女孩剛好和我炫耀她新發芽的香料盆栽:)))想起你,希望你一切都好啊 little7

U said...

Hello little 7 !!

一切都還好,小七妳呢? 沒想到有人還會點進這裡呀!